
Cataract Treatment at Cloudbreak

We understand the impact that cataracts can have on your vision and quality of life. That's why we're dedicated to providing comprehensive cataract treatment solutions tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Eye Conditions

Cataracts is the term used to describe the natural lens of the eye as it becomes opaque and cloudy. In a healthy eye this lens is soft and clear and controlled by surrounding muscles which allow it to focus light as it enters the eye. As the lens become cloudy it results in a lack of, and distortion of light entering the eye, resulting in halos, glare, reduced colours and overall reduced visual acuity. Cataracts usually develop gradually over time and are most likely to be visually noticeable after the age of 65, although they can be seen in any age group including congenital development in children.
Some factors which contribute to the development of cataracts include genetics, trauma, smoking, UV exposure and diet or lifestyle habits. Fortunately Cataracts can be treated by a simple 15-30 minute procedure in which the doctor replaces the cloudy lens with a clear artificial lens. Prior to cataract surgery, we measure the shape and size of the eyes to accurately choose a customized prescription lens to provide the best possible visual results. Therefore, following a cataract procedure, patients often no longer require prescription glasses for their distance vision. This test also allows us to offer specialty premium lenses to those patients that would benefit from a more specialized intraocular lens.
Preventative measures:
Smoking cessation
UV protection (sunglasses)
Healthy diet and lifestyle
Eye protection in sports/work to reduce the risk of trauma

Diagnostic Testing

Prior to your cataract surgery, our team will take precise measurements of your eye to determine the best lens to insert after cataract removal. These specialized tests allow us to determine the most appropriate lens to use for the procedure, resulting in the best possible visual outcome after surgery. These tests are non-invasive and take only a few minutes to perform.
Corneal Topography
Corneal topography measurements will always be taken in conjunction with biometry measurements. This allows a visual representation of the corneal shape and astigmatism, providing a cross reference with the other measurements to ensure consistency and superior results.
Contact Lens Wearers
The measurements being performed are giving a detailed analysis of the corneal shape and surface. Contact lenses will alter the shape of the eye, resulting in less accurate calculations, which could influence the visual outcome after surgery. To avoid this, we require that contact lenses not be worn prior to the cataract testing.
- Soft contact lenses must be removed for at least 2 full weeks prior to the measurements
- Rigid gas permeable (RGP) or hard contact lenses must be removed for at least 4 full weeks prior to the measurements
Contact lenses can be used again following the necessary testing.

Cataract Surgery & YAG Capsulotomy

Cataract surgery is a procedure in which the cataract (cloudy natural lens) is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. This lens serves as a permanent solution to eliminate the cloudy vision and related symptoms associated with cataracts. The YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) laser has been developed, and remains the standard of care, for posterior capsule opacification (PCO) sometimes termed ‘secondary cataracts’. PCO occurs in about 10% of patients.
Request A Consultation

Our team is here to help. During your consultation, we'll discuss your concerns, and explore the best treatment options for you. Don't hesitate to reach out - your vision health is our priority