
Glaucoma Treatment at Cloudbreak

At Cloudbreak Eye Care, we specialize in providing advanced glaucoma treatment solutions tailored to each patient's unique needs. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping individuals manage glaucoma effectively and preserve their vision for years to come.

Eye Conditions

Glaucoma is an eye condition associated largely with intraocular pressure (IOP). Intraocular pressure is determined by the balance between the production and drainage of the eye’s internal fluid or aqueous humour. High intraocular pressure may damage your optic nerve, leading to progressive permanent vision loss. In most cases glaucoma is not painful and therefore often goes unnoticed until significant vision loss is sustained. Glaucoma is a condition that, without treatment, is likely to worsen over time.
Glaucoma is an eye condition associated largely with intraocular pressure (IOP). Intraocular pressure is determined by the balance between the production and drainage of the eye’s internal fluid or aqueous humour. High intraocular pressure may damage your optic nerve, leading to progressive permanent vision loss. In most cases glaucoma is not painful and therefore often goes unnoticed until significant vision loss is sustained. Glaucoma is a condition that, without treatment, is likely to worsen over time.
Narrow Angles
Narrow angles are a fairly common condition related to the size and shape of the eye. Within the eye there is fluid, called aqueous humour, continuously circulating within the anterior chamber. This fluid is produced by the ciliary body, enters the anterior chamber, then cycles and drains through the trabecular meshwork, located near the outer part of the iris. The angle refers to the area between the cornea and the iris. If this space becomes narrowed the fluid may not be able to drain adequately through the trabecular meshwork. This can put a person at risk for a very serious vision threatening condition called acute angle closure glaucoma. This condition is an ocular emergency as it can occur very rapidly over minutes to hours and may result in permanent vision damage or loss within as little as 24-48 hours if left untreated.
Symptoms may include:
Severe eye pain
Decreased vision
Nausea and vomiting

Diagnostic Testing

The term Intraocular Pressure (IOP) relates to the flow of aqueous humour within the eye. The aqueous humour is the fluid which fills the anterior chamber of the eye, or the space between the cornea and the lens. Aqueous humour helps to maintain a constant pressure to inflate the eye and also provides the avascular tissue of the cornea and lens with necessary nutrients. There is a constant cycle of production and drainage. Pressure increases when the aqueous humour is being produced at a higher rate than it is being drained. This can be due to increased production, reduced drainage, or both.
The term Intraocular Pressure (IOP) relates to the flow of aqueous humour within the eye. The aqueous humour is the fluid which fills the anterior chamber of the eye, or the space between the cornea and the lens. Aqueous humour helps to maintain a constant pressure to inflate the eye and also provides the avascular tissue of the cornea and lens with necessary nutrients. There is a constant cycle of production and drainage. Pressure increases when the aqueous humour is being produced at a higher rate than it is being drained. This can be due to increased production, reduced drainage, or both.
Optical Coherence Tomography
Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, which leads can lead to progressive vision loss. Optic nerve assessments are commonly done with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging. This can detect early disease and allow treatment to be administered as a way to prevent further damage or vision loss. It also objectively assesses for glaucoma disease progression.
Visual Field Testing
Visual Field testing monitors and assesses for progressive peripheral vision loss field cause by Glaucoma. Over time, if the glaucoma is left untreated, the visual field loss may extend to the central vision, leading to blindness. Patients cannot detect field loss until more advanced stages of the disease, making it important to have regular visual field testing to detect asymptomatic damage or changes in the visual field. Early detection leads to earlier treatment to reduce vision damage caused by the disease. Cloudbreak Eye Care uses the most advanced equipment, suited to detect and monitor the full spectrum of field loss.

Glaucoma Treatment Options Overview

Treatments for glaucoma include eye drops, laser, and glaucoma surgery. Eye drops can lower IOP by decreasing aqueous humor production or increasing outflow. There are multiple laser procedures that can be done for glaucoma. Trabeculoplasty (MLT/SLT) laser treatment is used to “unclog” the trabecular meshwork drainage area. Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) creates a tiny whole in the iris, allowing the fluid to circulate freely in the eye. The last type of glaucoma-related laser is cyclophotocoagulation (CPC).
Request A Consultation

Our team is here to help. During your consultation, we'll discuss your concerns, and explore the best treatment options for you. Don't hesitate to reach out - your vision health is our priority