Our Services

Welcome to Cloudbreak Services

We are one of the most advanced Glaucoma and Advanced Anterior Segment clinics in Canada. Our trusted specialists offer leading edge services, procedures and technologies to engage, treat and empower our patients. Our philosophy is built on the foundation of five core elements.

At Cloudbreak, we have a wide array of diagnostic and treatment techniques

Glaucoma is an eye condition associated largely with intraocular pressure (IOP) determined by the balance between the production.
Cataracts cause the eye's natural lens to become opaque and cloudy, leading to vision problems such as halos, glare, and reduced visual acuity.
We also offer treatment for other eye conditions like Diabetic Retinopathy, Posterior Vitreous Detachment, and Pterygium.
MCPCP Laser (Only at Southwest Calgary)
Glaucoma is an eye condition associated largely with intraocular pressure (IOP). Intraocular pressure is determined by the balance between the production and drainage of the eye’s internal fluid or aqueous humour.
Glaucoma Surgery Options
Treatments for glaucoma include eye drops, laser, and glaucoma surgery. Eye drops can lower IOP by decreasing aqueous humor production or increasing outflow.
Catarct Surgery Options
Cataract surgery is a procedure where the it is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. This lens serves as a permanent solution to eliminate the cloudy vision
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