Prepare Your First Visit

Wait Time

We value your time and strive to keep your visit times below 60 minutes, however we do ask that you give yourself 60-90 minutes for each appointment to account for any unforeseen delays.

To help reduce your wait time in the office we encourage you to complete the New Patient Form and bring this with you to your appointment.

Testing Visit

If you are being referred to use for the first time, you will be given an appointment to perform all of the specialized baseline testing needed to provide the most accurate diagnosis and monitor any future changes. This will allow the doctor to facilitate the best treatment options available (if needed). The initial appointment is only for the necessary testing and you will not see a doctor at this visit.
Your eyes will not be dilated at this visit and you are welcomed to drive yourself to the appointment. The testing will take around 30-60 minutes depending on the tests required.

Doctor Consult

Once all of the testing has been performed you will return for an examination and consultation with the Doctor. After an in depth examination of your eyes he will review the test results with you and determine if any further actions are required.
Your eyes may be dilated if necessary to complete the diagnosis. Dilation drops increase the size of your pupils to allow the doctor to examine the back of your eyes. Because of this, they also make you more light-sensitive and may blur your vision for 2-4 hours. Please be prepared with sunglasses and/or a driver to ensure you make it home safely and comfortably.

What to expect at an eye exam?

  • At each eye exam, please allow yourself 60-90 minutes from your appointment time to your checkout time.
  • Some visits will require your eyes be dilated for the doctor’s exam. We will make every effort to inform you of this prior to the appointment being scheduled
  • Please bring all of the eye drops you are currently using to each visit
  • We ask that you also bring any prescription distance glasses
  • If you are coming to an exam where your eyes will be dilated we strongly recommend you bring a driver with you.
  • If you do not speak English, you will need to bring along a translator who can accompany you through the entire appointment
  • You are also welcome to bring someone simply to accompany or support you

What to expect on the day of my surgery

  • You will be asked to arrive at the surgical centre 30 minutes prior to the time of your surgery. You must be accompanied by a responsible adult
  • Upon check in you will be directed to a waiting room where you will remain until your surgery time
  • Just prior to your surgery you will be given some eye drops including your anaesthetic and then taken to the surgical suite
  • Your procedure will have an average duration of approximately thirty (30) minutes
  • At the end of your surgery a patch and eye shield will be placed over the eye that you had surgery on. This patch should remain over your eye for about three (3) hours, at which time you will be able to remove it in order to start your post op eye drops
  • Immediately following surgery you will be provided with a drink and you will be placed into the care of your accompanying adult. At this point you will be allowed to leave the surgical centre
  • You will be reviewed on either the same day or on the morning following your surgery, and then again 1-2 weeks after the surgery
Request A Consultation

Our team is here to help. During your consultation, we'll discuss your concerns, and explore the best treatment options for you. Don't hesitate to reach out - your vision health is our priority